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Haitian school children eating Vita Mamba supplemental food

School Feedings

In Haiti, there are no school lunch programs.

Many children in Haiti go to school hungry, and as a result their ability to learn is negatively impacted. Educational gaps like this impact tomorrow’s doctors, teachers, and leaders, and their communities.

In 2009, Meds & Food for Kids was asked by the Haitian Ministry of Health to produce a supplemental food to alleviate this problem. MFK is the sole producer of Vita Mamba, a supplement for children between the ages 4 and 14 years old.

For many of the children attending MFK’s partner schools, Vita Mamba is their only source of nutrition each day.

So far, we have distributed Vita Mamba to more than 180,000 children.

Research has shown that the supplemental food improves classroom engagement, school performance, and nutritional health for children.

What makes MFK’s program different?

Many programs in Haiti provide students with hot meals, such as beans and rice. MFK’s School Feeding program takes school nutrition further with Vita Mamba.

Unlike a hot meal, Vita Mamba is:

  • Rich in vitamins & minerals a child needs to grow, and reduces risk of anemia
  • Able to be stored at room temperature to eliminate waste
  • Easily and quickly delivered to schools, saving time and resources to support multiple locations

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