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Support for Therapeutic Foods to Achieve Zero Hunger

Meds & Food for Kids applauds USAID’s $200 million commitment to support the production and distribution of lifesaving Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Foods around the world. This moves us one step forward in the global fight to achieve Zero Hunger.

Nearly 200 million children are affected by chronic or acute malnutrition. The United Nations estimates that more than 600 million people will face hunger in 2030. The world needs greater investments and efforts to eliminate starvation – the World Food Program determined it would cost $40 billion per year until 2030 to end global hunger.

MFK’s impact on hunger in Haiti grows each year. To date, we have treated nearly 1 million malnourished children and mothers.

“Despite the dangers we face in Haiti, the MFK Haiti team continues to operate three shifts 7 days a week to make and distribute lifesaving treatments. Your support makes this possible to bring hope to the children who need it most.
-Remenson Tenor, MFK Haiti Chief Operating Officer

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