60 million children worldwide are severely malnourished.
Saving Lives
Meds & Food for Kids has treated more than 1 million malnourished infants, toddlers, school children, and pregnant and nursing mothers with the Ready-to-Use Therapeutic and Supplemental Foods produced at our Haitian factory.
RUTF cures 92% of children with severe acute malnutrition in just 8-12 weeks. By treating the most vulnerable, we give the next generation a chance at a future.
Creating Jobs
Our solar-powered RUTF factory is managed and operated completely by a Haitian team dedicated to saving lives in Haiti and 17 additional countries.
We believe in locally-led solutions for sustainable change that interrupts the cycle of poverty, the root cause of hunger.
Transforming Futures
Meds & Food for Kids trains and supports small plot Haitian farmers to increase the quality and yield of their peanut crops. We purchase these peanuts for producing therapeutic foods, and continue to support these farmers after training so they can successfully feed their families and communities.
By helping farmers develop skills, more children can have access to healthy foods to help them grow.
Our work aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, including:

#2 Zero Hunger
End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

#7 Affordable & Clean Energy
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

#8 Decent Work & Economic Growth
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
“We are deeply grateful for this donation of Plumpy’Nut! It is a great support. I can’t imagine how much harder it would be to treat cases of malnutrition without you and your product in Haiti!
There is struggle and desperation, yet there is hope!“
Your Donation Saves Lives